TerraExplorer Add-Ons

TerraExplorer add-ons allow external developers to:

§  Expand TerraExplorer capabilities with new HTML tools

§  Customize the ribbon by adding new ribbon commands that activate the new tools

§  Customize the user interface by changing the Start page and configuring Start settings

To add a tool to the TerraExplorer application, create an XML file named “tool.xml” that defines the tool and its location on the ribbon, and then save it in a folder placed under the tool’s folder. If you want to distribute a new tool, you should zip both the actual tool as well as the tool’s .xml (defining the tool and the location of the new tool on the ribbon) into a TEZ zip file for distribution to TerraExplorer users. See "Distributing Add-ons” for more information.

Note:     If a TEZ named setup.tez is placed next to the TerraExplorer installation file during installation, it will automatically be installed.


The XML document must be contained within <Tool>…</Tool> opening and closing tags. Using the <Tool> tag’s attributes and child elements, you can configure the tool through definition of the following parameters:

§  Tool Path

§  Tool’s User Interface

§  Tool Settings

§  Ribbon Customization